Monday, January 28, 2013

Culture of Sharing:etmooc_Topic 1

I have been raised in educational settings where the teacher expected students to do their work alone, without even consulting others. I never really thought about anyone else's education. If I had a thought or idea, I kept it to myself. I thought if I shared what I knew with others they would get better grades than me. I was learning and that's all that really mattered. I realized now that I was wrong. I never imagined that by keeping what I know and not sharing it, I was denying my classmates an important learning opportunity for me and them.

We need to share what we know and what we create with other because the information changes rabidly and what we know today will be out of date tomorrow. When you share what you know and do with other, you learn much more than just keep it to yourself. When we share what we know or do with other, we build knowledge. We build upon our own knowledge and the knowledge of other through knowledge building community. We learn from each other much more than if we just learn by our self.

It is important as educators to cultivate the culture of sharing between students. If students practice sharing during their formal education, sharing will be a life style, they will practice sharing during their informal settings. So, rather than asking students to submit an assignment for the instructor review, students could be asked to share their product and their resources with students in the class.  

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Connected Learning and PLN: ETMOOC 1

The first time I heard about PLN was last year in an educational technology course at New Mexico State University. I learned that PLN is about connecting with others through the web to create a knowledge building community in which we learn from each other and expand learning of each other through sharing the resources and ideas about o topic of interest. 

Twitter is one of my biggest PLN. My first tweet was in 2011. I was in Las Cruces, NM Studying PhD in education when my people, Egyptian people, protested against the regime of President Hosni Mubarak I wished if I am there. But Twitter enabled me to be up to date with what was happening there. The Egyptian protestors were taking live photos and video from the event and upload it to Youtube and tweet it, so the world could see what was happening, which played a great role in succeeding the revolution  

Classroom 2.0 is another important PLN from me. Classroom 2.0 is a social network for those interested in Web 2.0 and social media in education. The first time I heard about ETMOOC was in classroom 2.0.

This is my PLN:

Who I am: ETMOOC Introduction

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hi everyone, I am so excited to learn from you all in this new mooc