When I was thinking about an activity idea that includes learner use of Twitter, I was thinking about my students, who were college level students. I built this activity to help my students to learn how Twitter is a powerful learning tool where all learn from each other.
Twitter activity:
Social media such as blogs/microblogs, steaming video and social networks can play a great role in giving voice to voiceless individuals. In this activity you will investigate “How did social media help Egyptian protestors in January 25, 2011 revolution?” In doing so, you will
· Collaborate to answer the previous question.
· Use Twitter to share information and links to other resources you read about the Egyptian protestors and social media.
· Become familiar with Twitter.
· Learn from each other.
· You should read How Twittering Creates a Social Sixth Sense Clive Thompson, from Wired and Friends Swap Twitters and Frustration&Wall Street Journal. These are both short and should only take you 15 minutes to read.
· Create a Twitter account.
· Follow 5 classmates to get the Twitter experience, you can find them in my Twitter profile.
· Create a group
· Create a Group Name such as #lion
· As a group, do search with Google or any search engine to find how social media such as twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Flicker helped Egyptian protestors in their revolution in January 25, 2011.
· As a group, identify the best 5 links or articles about Egyptian revolution and social media role.
· Tweet what you come about, your progress, difficulties as you work through this activity.
· Use @mariammatta to take my attention.
· Post (tweet) at least 5 times over the weekend.
The assignment is worth only 10% of the final grad.
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